Monday, March 9, 2009

Living in the Present Moment is the Key to Happiness

Living in the present moment is the key to true happiness. If you can stop wrestling with your mind and learn to trust your true self, you will be rewarded.

A natural state of peace is easily available to you any time you choose to accept it. And the flow of spontaneous joy is yours when you simply let go of the need to control your thoughts and allow the moment to unfold.

Reality passes us by as we allow our minds to drift in the chaos of thought-driven awareness. But life is not nearly as stressful when we stop living in past regrets and future anxieties.

For many this premise is difficult to grasp. In fact it's not uncommon for people to become defensive, clinging to their right to be always anxious and overwhelmed by thoughts and mental conversations.

Perhaps you are also a bit put off by the suggestion to slow down and embrace the now. You may wonder: how can one simply stop thinking and enjoy the moment when there is so much to do?

But in fact life seems to slow down and become more manageable when you begin living fully in the present moment. Furthermore, you'll find more energy - both physical and mental - when you free yourself from the burden of constantly micromanaging your mind.

And best of all, your life will become once more refreshed and invigorating. You will live in moment-to-moment bliss, free to experience new feelings and ideas without trying to conform to any specific behavioral patterns.

Life is not meant to be mediocrity and predictability. Each day can and should emerge from infinite potential.

Consider that millions of people awake each morning dreading their routine and plunging right into the same thought patterns they went to bed resenting. Is it any wonder depression and stress-related illnesses are so prevalent in this society?

On the other hand imagine waking each new morning filled with the excitement of not knowing exactly what the day will hold. Sure you may be going to your regular job and engaging many of your standard activities, but because you live primarily in this moment there is no sense of turmoil or subtle resistance wearing you down.

And throughout each day, imagine the freedom you'll feel as you find and follow the flow of life. Rather than trying to talk yourself through every waking moment you will be listening to your intuition and acting according to your inner guidance system.

Center your awareness on this moment. It may help to shift your attention to the very center of your chest, behind your sternum.

Never mind anything that has happened before right now. And let go of anything that might happen at a later time.

Be aware of the space between you and this page. Allow your mind to flow and think as it pleases without interrupting or getting involved.

See if you can let go of everything and be right here in the now. And hold on to this awareness as the seconds and moments pass.

If you catch a glimpse of your essential self, of the "you" that resides behind the thinking mind, you'll see deep peace and stillness. You should know that it's your birthright to embody this stillness in every waking moment.

For more great insights on living in the present moment be sure to visit the author's Website. You'll find some great insights and five easy mindfulness exercises to help you live in the now.

Living in the Present Moment - The Process of Discovery

Living in the present moment is the key to having full access to your personal power. Only when you release the constant stream of daydreams and mental chatter can you function at full capacity.

When you accept the now you are more alert, relaxed, and energized. Also it is very common to experience spontaneous joy and optimism.

Many spiritual teachers make this point, but due to the experiential nature of present moment mindfulness, people often do not grasp the power of the message. In fact sometimes people look at the process of allowing the now as some sort of chore or work task.

The truth is it's both natural and easy to let go of your mind and be fully immersed in the present moment. While you may have learned a different way of being from society, centeredness in the moment is your natural state.

When you are able to finally let go, often after a bit of practice, you'll feel a deep sense of peace and exhilaration wash over you. There is little question that a state of being in the now is our most natural place of presence. Both our bodies and our minds function at full capacity when we are free in the present moment.

Also, living in the now is the only way to have a truly exciting, refreshing life. Rather than resigning yourself to a routine and accepting the mundane nature of life, you can allow each new moment to unfold as it will and bring a new experience into your awareness.

The universe is filled with infinite potential, yet most of us recreate the same events and circumstances over and over for decades until we finally pass from this life. How sad and bizarre that we seem unable to comprehend the unlimited possibilities all around us when we become absorbed in our narrow, habitual view of the world.

Living in the now means to stop pushing and let life flow. Allow the moment to just be what it naturally is.

You'll discover new things about the body you have lived in for years. And you'll learn a great deal about the person you really are; it's very common for people to change dramatically when they stop living in their head and begin living in the real world of now.

You can start embracing the moment by telling yourself each day when you awake that new things are in store for you. Rejoice in the fact that you don't know exactly what's coming your way with each new moment and be mindful of the fact that new experiences can enter your life at any time.

With this frame of mind, begin to practice letting go of your thought-state throughout the day. Just step back from the process of constant thought and become aware of your body, your physical surroundings, and the subtle feelings within your body.

Once you begin your pursuit of the truth it's likely you'll be hooked for life. The whole world changes when you view it from the lens of now, and not from the prejudicial perspective of constant thinking and reliving of old experiences.

For more great insights on living in the present moment and finding your own purpose in life, be sure to visit the author's Websites. You'll find a wealth of information on the things that matter most in life.