Friday, March 26, 2010

Finding Your Inspiration In One Moment Of Truth

This article departs from the basics of just being in the now and discusses one of the most empowering benefits of seizing the present moment. Your greatest inspirations can be attained at will, now, and need not be hoped for or waited on as events of chance.

I hope you enjoy it...

Explosive inspiration can be yours in any moment. Don't just cross your finger and wait for a flash of insight - reach out and grab it instead!

Inspiration is, for many individuals, a distant and obscure notion. It's a word used to describe what artists experience before creating a masterpiece. Or perhaps it's a term applied to the creative revelations of one's favorite screenwriter. For most people inspiration is not a value to be actively pursued.

This is another flawed paradigm of the mainstream culture. Reject the notion that finding your inspiration is a matter of chance or fortune and embrace the idea of deliberately inviting this wondrous state into your life each day.

Literally the word inspiration describes a condition of being "in the spirit" or having the "spirit inside". Religious beliefs are not at all necessary to engage this concept. Spirit - in this context - is simply a field of sublime exhilaration, joyful anticipation, great peace, and alertness. This transcendent perspective is readily available to anyone who wants it, at any time they choose to experience it.

Our society is in love with mediocrity and drudgery, to the extent that people often honor themselves for their willingness to work a job they hate, live with a spouse they no longer care for, and spend time with "friends" they never really liked being with. The sad consensus seems to be that life is about getting by, fulfilling obligatory values, and traveling from birthday to birthday with little hope of finding anything extraordinary along the way.

Fortunately the mundane world is an illusion. It's a construct we've adopted to help us avoid facing the brilliance of the moment and the startling beauty of self. Our collective boredom with ourselves and with the world around us is a choice.

Every new moment contains the opportunity for illumination and enlightenment. We only need to allow inspiration into our awareness and be grateful for the experience.

The most natural state of consciousness is joy. Happiness plus a sense of freedom and amazement underlie our forced calculation, petty worries, and self-imposed dramas. Observe a child interacting with his or her environment for evidence of this.

To become immediately inspired, all that is required is to let go of your ego-driven thinking and allow the present moment to unfold. In other words, refrain from adding further thoughts to your awareness right here and right now, and allow what is natural to emerge.

It may take a few seconds, even a few minutes, for the inertia of your current thoughts and emotions to dissolve. Relax your shoulders and hips and decide that you have absolutely nothing to do. Sink deeply into the affirmation that there's no place you need to be other than exactly where you are, and enjoy the idea of having all the time in world.

As your thoughts, feelings, and body settle down observe yourself and your immediate surroundings without forming an opinion or starting any internal conversations. Sit there and let go of the world as completely as you can; allow your emotions to flow and watch the stream of thoughts softly pour out of you and fade away.

Expect nothing. Regret nothing.

As you step fully into the stillness your innate joy will rise to the surface and expand.

Think of this as an exercise at first. Imagine you are literally stepping to the side and watching yourself from a third person point of view. The first time you catch a glimpse of yourself from this vantage you'll feel a definite shift at the level of mind.

If you're distracted by anxiety over an upcoming appointment or obligation, take this to mean you haven't completely let go. Acknowledge the tension and then gently release it.

Be patient with yourself and understand: there's no reason to get upset, as this practice is not competitive. Have fun and accept your observations.

With practice you'll develop the ability to completely disintegrate all contrived thoughts and negative feelings. When this happens you'll find yourself in a state of simple bliss, free from the need to struggle or grasp.

After you detach from your internal chatter you'll be able to hear infinity whispering in your ear. You'll see the circumstances of your life in a new light, and you'll become aware of possibilities that never occurred to you before.

By dropping the need to strive you will become open to inspired action that seems to occur spontaneously out of intuition. You'll find yourself flowing into motion without stopping to think it through, and you'll be amazed to see the action you're taking is exactly right for the situation at hand.

Even more important than the implications of personal freedom, you'll know the world in which you live is different. Once you find your moment of truth, that instant when the simplicity of this message is realized, you will never be able to fully return to the mundane world.

To enjoy more illuminating content, including articles and videos, be sure to visit the author's blog today. Download your free guide and learn to meditate, plus check out a brief introduction to metaphysical or non-local consciousness. You'll find lots of info on the things that matter most in life.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Non-Local Or Metaphysical Consciousness

The best definition for the term "metaphysical" is simply more than physical, or extra physical, i.e. in addition and beyond to the physical properties.

Hence the notion of metaphysical or non-local consciousness is the idea that our minds and selves derive not from within the physical brain, but from a state beyond or underlying the physical realm. Sound whacky?

Sages from the distant past didn't think so, and today some neuroscientists and physicists are also willing to entertain the notion. Personally I think it's abundantly obvious that our consciousness is a force that propels all of reality and moves through our physical brains the way an electric current travels through conductors, cables, and appliances.

Take a moment to check out this brief explanation and video I posted on my main blog:

Non-Local Consciousness And The Brain

What Is Spirituality Anyway?

Since a lot of the content on this blog (which has been poorly updated of late - sorry!) is about spiritual concepts, I thought it appropriate to have a look at what spirituality is, according to the author. For this purpose I'll refer you to a brief but informative article on my main blog; click below to read.

What Is Spirituality?

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

This Moment Is Your First Purpose

Today more than ever people want to understand what their purpose is. It's understandable that one might ask: "Why am I here and what am I to do with my time?"

We all want to matter, to be fulfilled, and to add value to the lives of others. And so connecting to our unique life purpose is an honorable pursuit.

I've prepared a complete article on my main blog to help you find your life purpose. Please take a moment to click through and read this material, as I believe you'll find it helpful.

I would also like to take a moment to suggest that we all have a common purpose. In addition to the meaning and mission we find or choose for our personal life journey, I believe we share the purpose of living freely and clearly within the present moment.

Our highest goal should be to allow the now to unfold and to observe each new moment with complete reverence and surrender. This moment, here and now, is perfect and needs nothign added to it.

Once we internalize this truth we can live forever in the perfect now. From here we can truly honor whatever unique personal purpose is right for us.

Consider this primary purpose as you read the article I've prepared on how to find your life purpose. I hope you find this information insightful and useful.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Oneness With All Things - The Physical World is an Extension of Your Body

In discovering the great oneness and exploring your role within this reality it may help to envision the physical world as an extension of your physical body. From this vantage your natural inclinations to love others and manifest your dreams are greatly amplified.

The one reality, as many spiritual teachers call it, is the acceptance of self as part of the universal whole. In essence, all things and people are the connected aspects of one great field of existence.

Physical science tells us a field of pure energy gives rise to the waves and particles that form atoms, which are in turn the building blocks of all matter and energy. Through this great sea of energy all events and organisms are joined. Mystics from thousands of years in the past said the very same thing in simpler language; that we are one is a well-known intuitive truth.

As part of the whole, it is easier to love and forgive other people. And certainly there is no desire to harm another, as doing so would literally be attacking yourself. Imagine the geopolitical implications of society accepting the great oneness.

Also as one brilliant shimmer in the vibrating see of unified reality, you are already connected to all the wonderful things you desire in life. The wealth you seek, the perfect mate you dream of, and every experience you want to live out is already a part of you.

It's easy to see the value of acknowledging oneness. But how can you actually set about experiencing your connection to the rest of the Universe?

There are actually many ways, but the simplest process for feeling into your connection is seeing your physical form as an integral part of the environment in which it lives. Release the conditioned mindset that thinks your body ends on the surface of your flesh.

As you read this article think of the computer screen in front of you, the chair beneath you, and the walls around you as part of your body. Notice the seemingly empty space between your body and these things and imagine the tactile sense of connectedness through this expanse.

If you're outside let your awareness stretch across the landscape and know every tree, building, stone, and the land itself are extensions of your physical form. Place your awareness in the palm of your hand for a moment; feel your hand and know deeply that it is a part of you. Then shift your awareness to an object ten or so feet away from your body; experience this form in the same way you felt your hand. Use your imagination and pretend you can feel everything around you as if you were noticing any other part of your body.

This exercise is particularly effective while you're walking. Notice how one foot is always connected to the ground; it's as if you're a drop of water bouncing across the surface of a lake. Sink into the earth beneath you and understand the very air within your lungs is part of the sky above you.

Think about how the fish in the sea are all surrounded by and connected through the water as it moves through their lungs, engulfs them in every moment, and yet allows them to move freely about. In the same manner the energy of pure existence is in and around you, and through it you are connected to everything you see and imagine. In fact you and the sea are also part of one-another; the water in your cells is like the water that forms the waves of the ocean and falls from the sky as rain.

Allow your awareness to spread out as far as you can see in any direction. Then experience your awareness going even further, beyond your visual grasp and across the surface of the whole earth. Feel even into the vastness of space and deep into the core of the planet. In every direction for infinity, everything that exists in the physical universe is a part of you.

Use this powerful mental exercise any time you are feeling small, disconnected, or without power. After only a few minutes your awareness will be filled with the amazing truth: you are one with all else in the known world and as such you are the universe.

To learn more about spirituality and life purpose be sure to visit the author's blog today:

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Just Let Go And Be Happy Right Now

Both heaven and reincarnation are fine ideas. But there's no absolute proof.

The fact is this may be the only life you'll ever have so you should really explore the value of being as happy as possible in each new, unfolding moment.

Especially in U.S. society people are stricken with the sad illness of "I'll be happy when..." Folks believe they'll experience happiness when they get the new job, the bigger house, the ideal mate, or whatever. The problem, of course, is that when this new state is attained a brand new carrot is dangled in front of you be the unconscious mind and the whole process begins anew.

The greatest spiritual advice anyone can give or receive is quite simple:

Let go of future desires and past regrets and simply be content right now.

Embrace this simple idea. Even if you only get a few seconds of peace, what a gift that is!

In each new moment a new opportunity arises to let go of your worries and just be happy right now. Grab hold of this notion, feel into it, and ride it our for as long as possible.

If the bliss fades you can always start again. And eventually you'll look up to realize you've been happy for some time because your internal set point has shifted.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Recommended: Book Of Secrets By Deepak Chopra

This is just a quick update to call attention to my latest book review. I invite all readers with a genuine interest in spiritual discovery and expansion to check out my brief review of Deepak Chopra's The Book Of Secrets.